Welcome To Bangladesh …
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, a land of about 140 million people, is located in South Asia. The Bay of Bengal, the Gangetic plains of India, and the forests of Myanmar surround it. The country is primarily a low-lying plain of about 144,000 square kilometers, adorned by innumerable brooks, streams, and rivers, including the Padma, the Jamuna, the Meghna, and the Karnaphuli. Most of the land is fertile and flat except for a range of hills in the southeast. The land area is characterized by wooded marshland and jungle.
Although Bangladesh emerged as an independent country in 1971, its history stretches back thousands of years and it has long been known as a cross roads of history and culture. Hindus, Mongolians, Buddhists, Muslims and Europeans exerted considerable influence over the land at various times for various reasons. Today Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country but people of different religions and cultural backgrounds are living in peace and harmony.
Bangladeshi economy largely depends on agriculture. Since the country is famous for fertile land, the farmers can easily cultivate the soil and grow rice, jute, wheat, potato, pulse, sugarcane, tea and tobacco abundantly. Jute, tea, SEAFOOD and Handicrafts are among the country’s primary exports. The industrial sector is flourishing rapidly. Bangladesh has gained an international reputation by exporting the products such as garments and leather goods and has been earning a lot of foreign currency every year.